"Healing is an art. It takes time, it takes practice. It takes love." - Maza Dohta

Micro Health Consultation

On this 1:1 zoom consultation we will go over your needs, goals, and what options you have, through ancestral medicine, to help you improve your overall health.

We will answer all your questions referent to microdosing, scheduling, benefits, and what options would work for your specific needs.

If suitable, you will provided with up to one supplement (Only from my tincture, teas, or oils selection.) to aid you on your journey right away.

Bring your questions, get your favorite beverage and get ready to dedicate this 1hr meeting, for your self care.


Micro Health Consultation + Supplements

This 1:1 zoom consultation will provide you with the same benefits as the basic consultation plus up to 2-3 supplements from all my selection of supplements including medicinal honeys, chocolates and oils.

We will answer all your questions about holistic options, microdosing, scheduling, benefits, and what options would work for your specific needs.

Bring your questions, get your favorite beverage and get ready to dedicate this 1hr meeting, for your self care.

We will follow up with two 15min sessions to answer uprising questions and provide you with prompts and material to guide and support you through integration.


1 hr Alignment Session

Only Available for Souls who had completed H’NH Healing and alignment experience.

On this 1:1 zoom consultation we will go over your specific situation. The session might include but wont be limited to:

* Identify areas of your life that need nurturing and balance *Tools and techniques for support on the specific areas identified *inner self healing *Shadow work *Rediscover/remember your skill *Shadow walk prompts *channel Message *breath-work and tapping techniques *Spiritual and/or emotional support and guidance. *Energetic Blockages * Up to 2 additional supportive resources *15% off on any purchase from the apothecary store.


30 min Quick-Troubleshooting Guidance

Sometimes we need specific guidance. we have a very specific area we need help with.

On this 1:1 zoom meeting we will shine light to those specific areas you want to target.

You will get immediate access to two techniques to help you and support you on the area you are working on. *Spiritual and/or emotional support *10% off any purchase from the Apothecary store *


H’NH Healing and Alignment Experience

Four -1 Hr Zoom sessions dedicated to Your Soul’s Alignment.

Four 30 min sessions for energy check up, answer questions, and shine light on specific needs through and guidance through text or video.

Working 1:1, we will go over your specific situation. The session might include but wont be limited to:

* Identify areas of your life that need nurturing and balance *inner self healing *Shadow work *Rediscover/remember your skill *channel Message *breath-work and tapping techniques *Spiritual and/or emotional support and guidance. *Energetic Blockages One natural supplement from the botica (your choice) *20% off on any purchase from the botica


H’NH Mental Health Supplemental Session

These sessions are provided for mental health support only.

We will start with an activity to regulate your nervous system.

We will address your immediate needs and concerns.

This is a supplemental support to your current mental health plan and the care of your therapist.


Because Authenticity is the New Godhood.

Claudia Perez